Reason [ ]
This page is dedicated for the people who worked to make these things into the game that usually don't get credit. Even though the credits are there, 9 time out of 10. No one even looks at them. Here are some people that improved for the better by doing something.
Provided by JanuaryBoy
Provided By JanuaryBoy
Creators [ ]
Creator Name
World Command Icons
Sandstone Brick Texture
Ice Brick Texture
Moonstone Texture
Cracked Coconut Texture
Coconut Texture
Palm Log Texture
Palm Sapling Texture
Did Pitch in Pear Stuff in Suggestions !
Pear Log Texture
Pear Leaves Texture
Pear Sapling Texture
Pear Block Texture
Pear Texture
Compressed Messy Stone
Extra Compressed Messy Stone
Super Compressed Messy Stone
Hyper Compressed Messy Stone
Artisan Bench Texture
Bread Block Texture
Vine (3D Texture and Icon)
Winter Castle Build (Start Screen for bloxd )
Fireball/Iceball (3D Texture and Icon)
All Ladders (Besides Maple and Iron)
Potion (3D Texture and Icon)
Leaves Recolor (pine, plum, elm and palm.)
Carpet Texture
Carpet Inventory Texture
Sky Wars "Big Foods" Map
Thank you, creators, you have helped make this game and its appreciated. :)