April Fools is a prank day celebrated on April 1st every year. Arthur has pulled pranks on Bloxd.io, sometimes by renaming gamemodes or the entire game. None of the updates below, however, is permanent.
- Bloxd.io was renamed to CraftMine.
- Greenville was renamed to My Little Pony.
- Subtext was added to Greenville that said, "An island fairy adventure".
Discord Messages[]
Rebrand announcement. Over time, we have received feedback that bloxd is not similar enough to a certain other game. After a long and hard discussion we have come to the decision that bloxd will henceforth be branded as 'CraftMine'. All updates will match this other game 1:1.
While we were discussing renaming, we also came to the conclusion greenville wasn't quite serving it's target audience. It has been renamed as 'my tiny pony - island fairy adventure'
these changes are now live, thank you for all your support
-Arthur on discord
Instead of changing the game, Arthur decided to brutally troll everyone on Discord.
- Bedrock was breakable with a pickaxe.
Discord messages[]
- Apparently Players Running In Lobbies Fast On Ores Loses Storage -Aile on Discord
- I had an epiphany over the weekend. I asked myself why we're making games with bloxd. Generative AI is the future, with so much potential. You need to ride waves, not create them. And there's so much funding in the space, there's no way we'll run out of money. We're going to call ourselves CubeAI and solely make generative AI agents for Minecraft that build amazing houses and dungeons. Architecture is an industry ripe for innovation. Sorry to everyone who enjoyed bloxd games - Arthur on the Discord